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 上海兰典安全科技有限公司是一家集多种经营为一体的企业。公司的主要业务是把国外安全领域高科技的产品,先进的设备结合自身的软件技术切合实际的运用到相关行业、岗位。以期提高国内企业的设备、人员在各种状态下的安全性;增强企业的竞争能力。公司秉着服务于安全,发展于安全,引领于安全的务实态度,多年来一直是美国霍尼伟尔气体探测器公司,霍尼伟尔安防公司,霍尼伟尔过程控制公司以及霍尼韦尔生命安全在中国的一级代理商。公司于2010年中期正式启动仪器仪表的再开发深加工业务,自主研发高技术含量的PPE产品,并以此获得了科技证书。 兰典拥有高素质的营销人员、技术服务。除了负责产品销售还负责所售产品的售后安装调试、技术培训、维修保养零配件的供应等服务。兰典人乘着以人为本,安全第一,技术为先,信誉至上的经营理念。祈盼可以在国内安全领域的发展史书上写下兰典人的一小页篇章。
  Shanghai Lander Safety Technology Co.,Ltd. is an private company with various kinds of business management. Its major operations include import of foreign high-tech products, advanced equipment and technology into state, in order to advance domestic companies’ equipment and craftwork, to keep working safety, and to enhance competition ability. LANDER depends on well-knit. It can service for safety, develop for safety and lead for safety. LANDER is the agent and service for Honeywell Detector, Honeywell Security, Honeywell process and Honeywell life safety. At 2010 midyear LANDER began to make the Detector’s and research, Its PPE achieved “Technology Certificate”. LANDER has high qualities of sales and technical service. It provides information to answer the queries about the products mentioned before and is also responsible for products installation and testing, training, products maintenance and repair, and products parts supply. The Advanced technology, great credit standing, and excellent customer service is LANDER’soperating principle. We wish us a little land in the state’s safety domain.   
公司名称: 上海兰典安全科技有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 公司规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2010
资料认证:        企业资料通过认证
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 霍尼韦尔气体检测仪, 安全防护平台, 防化服, 安全鞋, 空气呼吸器, PHD6便携...
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